A DM 2v2 GA single elimination tournament will be hosted in Voobly's tournament lobby this weekend (Saturday 28th)


BASICS: Game: Deathmatch
Size: Small (3 player)
Difficulty: Standard
Population: 200
Reveal Map: Explored
Starting Age: Post-Imperial
Victory: Conquest
Game Speed: Fast
MAP: Green Arabia (DM-EXP)

16 Teams limit.


18h GMT - 13h Central Time - 14h Eastern time - 11am Western Time -
Saturday, July 28th

Single elimination
Each team Pick 1 civ.

Prize: Gold Memberships for winning team - 3 months.

Sign ups will be taken 30 minutes before actual tournament starts

PS: A 2v2 Michi Tournament will be hosted on August 4th, more details to come!