Age of Empires II: The Conquerors > Game Mods > Sheep vs Wolf 2

Sheep vs Wolf 2

by Gallas - 1122 downloads


For more information about gameplay, tips and guides visit:

Gameplay video by: 44Quantum and ThenojokingMan


Example random map

(a giant map with 8 players)

Technical informations

Possible changes at next update

(listed here to discuss before it goes live, feel free to comment it)
2.7.1 - Not that fast and furious
2.7.1 - Berserker small Hunger bonus (not full free)

Version log

Current version 2.7.0:
2.7.0 - Wolves should not get stuck while cutting trees (thanks to Jack__Reacher for report and bug explain)
2.7.0 - Fixed Tiger graphics targeting (if need I can do same fix with other units/mods)
2.7.0 - Sheep Ai follows Flare X by allies
2.7.0 - Night maps are actually in night
2.6.4 - Swiftfoot gold nerf from 500 to 300 gold / tech (info)
2.6.4 - Elephant eating animation is fixed for Wolf
2.6.3 - Quick fix the alpha armor (thanks to [MM]Blood_Drainer for report)
2.6.2 - Some changes with Gatherer and Devastator civs (info)
2.6.2 - Alpha Wolf +1000 base hp and +10/10 armor
2.6.2 - Bloodbone and Swiftfoot tech civ bonuses works on Wolf upgrades too
2.6.2 - Wolf bones techs takes -20 sec less to research
2.6.2 - Iron bones cost +100 food and Titanium bones cost -500 food
2.6.2 - Wolf eating range extended from 0.1 to 0.3
2.6.2 - Wall hp techs takes +10 sec longer to research
2.6.2 - Fortified Rock cost +200 stone and +60 sec to research
2.6.2 - Birds no longer should be able to hide over the Yurt
2.6.2 - Lama/cow should not turn into birds (thanks to SpecialZ_ for report)
2.6.2 - Lama/cow always should drop food if dies (thanks to Seldom_Pooper for report)
2.6.1 - Swiftfoot got a little bonus (info)
2.6.1 - Turkey from Yurt cost 300 food instead of 200, but have 200 food instead of 100
2.6.1 - Black sheep gives 250 food instead of 150 and created faster
2.6.1 - Croc can eat Swan and Owl
2.6.1 - Ultimate LT. and U. Towers gives +5/5 damage
2.6.1 - Fixed: Market can direct send Trade unit to other market (Reeds still not)
2.6.1 - Minimap-mode's texts are fixed for SvsW
2.6.1 - When Wolf Cave is down, it removes Yurt units too
2.6.0 - Some Wolf civ is changed (info)
2.6.0 - Cost of Coinages has been increased by few hundred gold
2.6.0 - Ult tower tech gives +25 damage for WK and +15 for MLT instead of attack speed
2.6.0 - Cow size is 0.2 instead of 0.25 (less chance to get stuck) and work rate is 1.15 instead of 1.2
2.5.9 - Lions -20 attack, -20 armor, -20% attack and movement speed, but +200 hp
2.5.9 - Cave healing do +20/+20/+30 instead of +10/+10/+20 hp/sec
2.5.9 - Wolf can research some more hp% techs in Cave
2.5.8 - Wolf difficulties are -20%/+10/+25% instead of -20%/+20/+50%
2.5.8 - One ultimate technology is less ultimate a bit
2.5.7 - Quick fix what nobody seen
2.5.6 - Yurt mov speed on trading units shouldn't reduce the work rate (thanks to deepan_raj for report)
2.5.6 - Macaw/Hawk no longer safe from Wolf over the Yurt (thanks to CFV and Llama_ for report)
2.5.6 - Ultimate towers techs are fixed and reworked (thanks to CFV for report)
2.5.6 - Devastator -1 LoS in Birth age
2.5.6 - Croc can eat dead Shark
2.5.6 - Chemistry tool-tip is fixed
2.5.6 - SvsW2 logo next to minimap
2.5.5 - No more dead Bison should spawn (I get tired of Bison bugs)
2.5.5 - Caravan should work on Cow too
2.5.5 - Added a new tech in Market: Herding
2.5.4 - Fixed Cow-Swan text bug (thanks to Rosie for report)
2.5.4 - Fixed Bison spawn amount on normal map (thanks to deepan_raj for report)
2.5.3 - Lots of host room texts has been edited for easier understanding what do what
2.5.3 - Starting resource is always same, regardless of settings
2.5.3 - Added one new Optional settings tip how to pick random or teamed starting locations.
2.5.3 - Wolf can garrison into the Cave from bigger distance
2.5.3 - Plate Mail Armor gives +20 melee armor not just pierce
2.5.3 - Increased the respawn time for gaia animals in 10%
2.5.3 - UP1.5 - Yurt spawn is +/-10% random from middle of the map
2.5.3 - UP1.5 - Food in Small fish is between 20-25 (default 20) instead of 20-30
2.5.3 - UP1.5 - Food in Large fish is between 40-50 (default 40) instead of 40-60
2.5.3 - Wolf skull generates 40% more gold
2.5.3 - Bison is a rare gaia animal from now
2.5.3 - Few civ changes (link)
2.5.3 - New Sheep units for land trading: Lama and Cow (cow need full market up)
2.5.3 - Lama +10% and Cow +30% work rate compared to Bison from previous versions
2.5.3 - Ultimate Keep cost 15.000 wood, 10.000 gold and 5.000 stone instead of 30.000 wood
2.5.3 - Ultimate WK cost 15.000 stone, 10.000 wood and 5.000 gold instead of 30.000 stone
2.5.3 - Ultimate LT cost 15.000 gold, 10.000 stone and 5.000 wood instead of 30.000 gold
2.5.3 - Watch Tower attack speed has been increased from 2.0 to 1.5 (same as Guard Tower)
2.5.3 - Keep attack speed has been decreased from 1.0 to 1.5 (same as Guard Tower)
2.5.3 - Wolf killers are cheaper by 100 gold, 50 stone and built 20 second faster
2.5.3 - Trading fishes has 0/0 armors (the 10/20 armor had no meaning anyway)
2.5.3 - Claw fish has 250 hp instead of 120, +20 attack and moves 10% faster
2.5.3 - Croc +5 melee and pierce armor and Wolf armors benefits to it in lesser amount (except skins)
2.5.2 - Added the Nostalgia version as a separated mod
2.5.2 - Added one new map: Team Start (more info)
2.5.2 - Few civ got some polishing (link)
2.5.2 - Walls and gates takes 1.2x damage if built on shallow instead of 1.5x
2.5.2 - Outpost tower has same price as Outpost
2.5.2 - Tigers +10% movement speed
2.5.1 - Removed Sheep camo because caused strange anomalies with some team bonuses
2.5.0 - Weather has a bigger chance to be sunny
2.5.0 - Most of civ got new or replaced bonus
2.5.0 - Food from buildings are expires slower
2.5.0 - Walls and gates takes 1.5x damage if built on shallow
2.5.0 - Adjusting difficult for Wolves more effectively by resource settings!
2.5.0 - Sheep +1 LoS (as Eaglewatch no longer increasing it)
2.5.0 - Market cost 50 stone instead of 200, and 0 wood instead of 50
2.5.0 - TC cost 0 stone, wood is same 100
2.5.0 - Sheep +10% work rate tech in Yurt also gives +20% build speed and +20 resource carry
2.5.0 - Sheep +10% building hp tech in Yurt applies for Walls and Gates too
2.5.0 - New Sheep technology in University: Sheep camo
2.5.0 - Lion cost restored to 8888 gold
2.5.0 - Elite Lion upgrade cost restored to 12345 gold
2.5.0 - Lion King upgrade cost 23456 gold instead of 19999
2.5.0 - Lions are visible in fog for Wolf
2.5.0 - Eating a Sheep is 3x faster instead of 2x
2.5.0 - Greater Wolf and above levels will be always in running mode
2.5.0 - Upgrading Greater and Veteran Wolf cost -50 food
2.5.0 - Wolf upgrades takes a bit less time
2.5.0 - Croc can be made from Pup Age, cost 100 food, but age ups reducing this price by 25
2.5.0 - Shadow walking cost 500 food instead of 750
2.5.0 - Yurt technologies cost 100 food instead of 50
2.4.6 - Let's hope the file corruption is fixed
2.4.5 - Gold should spread more based on player, not land
2.4.5 - TC is stronger by +5 attack, +20 armor and +100 hp
2.4.5 - Upgrading Greater and Veteran Wolf cost +50 food
2.4.4 - The type of animals and amount is adjusted for new settings
2.4.4 - Eating speed is restored to previous amount
2.4.4 - Bonus food from Hunger tech is reduced to 10% from 20%
2.4.3 - Fixed a wrongly adjusted tech
2.4.2 - The delayed deer/boar spawn is reversed
2.4.2 - Land around the Yurt is no longer buildable
2.4.2 - Iron Boar melee armor has been increased from 100 to 150
2.4.2 - Iron Bear hp increased from 1500 to 2000 and melee armor from 30 to 50
2.4.2 - New gaia animal: Iron Elephant
2.4.2 - Catching the birds should be easier now
2.4.2 - Watch/Guard/Keep Towers need 0.5 population to build
2.4.2 - Lion cost reduced to 5000 gold from 8888
2.4.2 - Elite Lion upgrade cost reduced from 12345 gold to 9999
2.4.2 - New Sheep animal: Lion King
2.4.2 - Sheep can research Ultimate tower upgrades in Outpost (for the highest price)
2.4.2 - Tower upgrading bar shows like Age ups at top of the screen
2.4.2 - One more extra +20 armor technology for Wolf: Titanium Skin
2.4.2 - Hunger tech is reworked: Instead of +20% eating speed, it gives +20% food from sources
2.4.2 - Eating speed for stronger wolves is more exponential
2.4.2 - Eating the Turkey and Black Sheep is much faster
2.4.1 - Fixed a critical bug
2.4.0 - Yurt always should spawn around the middle of the map
2.4.0 - Yurt spawn more often on the WvsW map
2.4.0 - Two new food animals: Swan and Owl
2.4.0 - Deer no longer should try to swim
2.4.0 - Deer and Boars won't spawn instantly on the map
2.4.0 - Wolf leveling bar shows like Age ups at top of the screen
2.4.0 - Sheep got back the free cartography again
2.4.0 - After chemistry, Sheep can extend the explosion ranges
2.4.0 - Mega and Alpha Wolf -1 range, but Breakthrough cost half
2.4.0 - Wolf can upgrade one more time the Herbal medicine
2.4.0 - Fixed a Yurt tech, which should not be visible for Wolf
2.4.0 - New icon for Wolf skull
2.3.6 - Back to the normal edition
2.3.5 - Special Christmas Edition
2.3.4 - The critical save-crash bug has been fixed! (huge thanks to scripter16)
2.3.4 - Built Towers+WK and Built L. Towers are showed in achievement tab
2.3.4 - Guardian no longer gives twice the 1.5x hp for towers
2.3.4 - Minimal amount of cliffs has been increased (max is same)
2.3.4 - Walls and Gates can be build on shallow
2.3.4 - Claw fish and Poo Thrower moves faster
2.3.4 - Fixed a typo at General civ's tech tree
2.3.3 - Alpha Wolf's Breakthrough is fixed (thanks for report to MrGrim)
2.3.3 - Spies for Wolf cost 2500 food instead of 2000
2.3.3 - Steel Skin made into two technology (+20/20 for 1500/2000 food)
2.3.3 - All Wargs -5 melee armor
2.3.3 - Keep got a new upgrade after Chemistry is researched too
2.3.3 - Claw fish no longer get attacked by Sharks
2.3.3 - Tigers no longer 1 hit Wargs
2.3.2 - WvsW map should be less like an eating simulator
2.3.2 - Resource settings in the WvsW map will adjust the number of animals instead of Wolf lives
2.3.2 - UP1.5 - Food in Small fish is between 20-30 (default 20) instead of 20-40
2.3.2 - UP1.5 - Food in Large fish is between 40-60 (default 40) instead of 40-80
2.3.2 - Lion -20 armor, -20 attack, -150 hp and trained slower
2.3.2 - Lion can be upgraded to Elite Lion for a lot of gold
2.3.2 - Trading fishes -3% work rate
2.3.2 - Claw fish cost reversed to 600 gold
2.3.2 - Claw fish can hide (garrison) inside Reeds
2.3.2 - Claw fish +5 armor and base damage increased to 20 from 15
2.3.2 - Crock base hp increased to 100 from 45 but pierce armor is restored to 25
2.3.2 - Crock cost 100 food instead of 75
2.3.2 - Crocks and Wargs can eat the Black Sheep and Turkey
2.3.2 - Wargs and Elite Wargs cost 250 food instead of 200
2.3.2 - Wargs and Elite Wargs +10 melee armor and 0.2 movement speed
2.3.2 - Upgrading to Elite Warg cost 500 food instead of 400
2.3.2 - Elite Warg can be upgraded to Super Warg for 1500 food
2.3.2 - Steel Skin cost 2000 food and it's a Wolf upgrade instead for Wargs
2.3.2 - Mega Wolf can be upgraded to Alpha Wolf for a lot of food
2.3.2 - All upgrades in Yurt for Wolf will affect on all units
2.3.2 - In Yurt the +10% HP for Sheep and units also increase buildings hp
2.3.2 - Advanced Wolf killer gives +5 damage vs Wargs
2.3.1 - Added one new map: WvsW (more info)
2.3.1 - Few civ and team bonuses are changed (link)
2.3.1 - Creating units in Wolf Cave is faster by 50%
2.3.1 - One new technology for Wargs: Steel Skin (+40 melee armor)
2.3.1 - Crock +5 base attack and pierce armor
2.3.1 - Spies for Sheep cost 6000 gold instead of 5000
2.3.1 - Claw fish cost +200 gold
2.3.1 - In future "UP1.5" will reference to a feature, which only work with the 1.5 UserPatch
2.3.1 - UP1.5 - There is a chance the weather will be different
2.3.1 - UP1.5 - Food in Small fish is between 20-40 (default 20)
2.3.1 - UP1.5 - Food in Large fish is between 40-80 (default 40)
2.3.1 - UP1.5 - Gold in Fools gold is between 1-1000 (default 1)
2.3.1 - UP1.5 - Bonuses in tech tree are bold text
2.3.1 - Elevation tiles-number is reduced
2.3.1 - Sheep with Skull have same LoS as normal Sheep
2.3.0 - New map options: no mega, no wonder, no skull
2.3.0 - Two new rare Fish: Barracuda and Whale
2.3.0 - Host can pick Resign and noResign Ai too
2.3.0 - Map size adjust the number and length of cliffs
2.3.0 - Less and smaller elevations generated by the map
2.3.0 - Lots of new civ and team bonuses changed (thanks to PeterTheWolf and Mallow_)
2.3.0 - Sheep base cost is 1000 gold instead of 1500
2.3.0 - Sheep base LoS increased from 4 to 5
2.3.0 - Town Center -1 range, but attack by default + have more hp and armor
2.3.0 - Wolf killer got a new upgrade
2.3.0 - Hawk not gives food, due to avoid a bug (thanks for report to PeterTheWolf)
2.3.0 - Hawk have 100 hp instead of 150
2.3.0 - Wall upgrades need more time to research
2.3.0 - Two new animal in Yurt for Wolf
2.3.0 - Hunger and Wolf LoS techs cost -50 food
2.3.0 - Crock have a small extra damage vs Buildings and Walls/Gates
2.3.0 - Crock have 25 base pierce armor instead of 10
2.2.6 - Save and Exit button is again available
2.2.6 - Ai will automatically resign after 15 game minutes (thanks to PhantomRoad)
2.2.6 - Dead white horse have correct name and -1 LoS
2.2.6 - Flying dog +1 LoS
2.2.6 - Crock cost 75 food instead of 100
2.2.6 - Elite Warg upgrade cost 400 food instead of 450
2.2.6 - Wound healing techs are twice more effective
2.2.5 - Cliffs should generate more bases
2.2.5 - Golds are more player specific, instead of spawning a lot in one place
2.2.5 - Shark no longer should spawn on land (thanks to nhoobish)
2.2.5 - New rare animal: White Horse
2.2.5 - Few civ/team bonus is changed
2.2.5 - S vs W - Small Trees now compatible with normal game (no more switch on/off required)
2.2.5 - Wolf skins are reworked and added two new!
2.2.5 - Small Paws technology now should work correctly
2.2.5 - Wolf leveling costs are readjusted
2.2.5 - Wolf Cub no longer can run
2.2.5 - Herbal medicine is reworked: Gives +1 hp to Wolf Cave when researched
2.2.5 - Hunger tech is cheaper by 100 food, but -5% less effective
2.2.5 - Crocks moves -20% slower
2.2.5 - Yurt +5 armor for walls gives base armor, to avoid confuses
2.2.4 - Patch is not a patch without civ changes
2.2.4 - Ravager no longer makes mov. speed techs researched faster, just cheaper
2.2.4 - Early Wolf gameplay is reworked:
2.2.4 - Wolf Cub and Young Wolf able to run
2.2.4 - All Wolf civ starts with 0 food instead of 200
2.2.4 - Wolf leveling up is adjusted for new food start
2.2.4 - Wolf creating and upgrading takes less time
2.2.4 - Base eating speed before Greater Wolf is increased
2.2.4 - Good appetite moved to Birth Age and 1. page in Cave
2.2.4 - Hunger (new tech) at 2. page from Pup age (+25% more eating speed, cost 300 food)
2.2.4 - Shadow walking cost -50 food
2.2.4 - Herbal medicine cost -200 food
2.2.4 - Padded paws cost -100 food
2.2.4 - Breakthrough cost -500 food
2.2.4 - Boars and Sharks should not attack Crocks and Wargs
2.2.4 - Yurt's +5 attack vs walls gives +5 base attack too
2.2.4 - Eating Iron Boar or Bear won't change Wolf color
2.2.4 - Gold spawning is reworked! Starting next to a goldmine no longer should be a privilege.
2.2.4 - Cliffs should be longer a bit
2.2.4 - Hole can be upgraded one more time, also leaves food when destroyed
2.2.4 - Gate have -500 hp (Gate should be an optional, but risky choose as weakpoint)
2.2.4 - Building walls takes +2 second
2.2.4 - Claw fish cheaper by 200 gold and do bigger damage
2.2.4 - Raft can be made from Pup age and +15% movement speed
2.2.3 - Fixed Gate's terrain restriction
2.2.3 - Fortified Rock have new graphics
2.2.3 - Gazelle and Deer King hp is reduced
2.2.3 - Watcher civ bonus now should be obvious
2.2.2 - Few civ changes
2.2.2 - New civ theme musics
2.2.2 - New building for Sheep: Gate! (2. building page)
2.2.2 - Normal Towers and Wolf killers gives 50 food instead of 20
2.2.2 - Predator animals does extra damage vs Wargs
2.2.2 - Creation time for weaker Wolves is reduced, while Super same and Mega needs +10sec
2.2.2 - Survivor eating speed civ bonus no longer effective for Wargs and Crock
2.2.2 - Wargs and Crock work rate slightly increased
2.2.2 - Quick Mind techs are 5% more effective and faster researching
2.2.2 - Attack speed for Wolf in Yurt gives +10% instead of +5%
2.2.1 - Adjusted civ balances for previous changes
2.2.1 - Wolf upgrades are faster researches till Super Wolf
2.2.1 - Veteran Wolf upgrade cost -150 food, while Adult Age +100
2.2.1 - Iron boar no longer does 1 damage to Wargs
2.2.1 - Explosive sheep cost +250 gold
2.2.0 - Major patch with rethought gameplays! (thanks to PeterTheWolf)
2.2.0 - Yurt got some rework for both Sheep and Wolf
2.2.0 - Spawning of the rarest animals have been increased by few percent
2.2.0 - Wolf upgrades no longer have special technology requirements (expect mega)
2.2.0 - Wolf upgrades cost significant more food and a bit slower to research
2.2.0 - Armor/attack technologies cost less food. (overall need same food as before to get Super Wolf)
2.2.0 - Wargs no longer does 1 damage to gaia animals
2.2.0 - Killing Tigers and Lions reward 150 food instead of 50
2.2.0 - The base resource gathering speed for Sheep is increased
2.2.0 - Fruit tree upgrades are increasing less effectively the work rate (at endgame it's same as it was)
2.2.0 - Hole can be build in Birth Age and both upgrade and build cost -50 wood
2.2.0 - Normal towers can be done by one age earlier
2.2.0 - Wolf killer research cost slightly less
2.2.0 - Chemistry cost -500 gold
2.2.0 - Lighting tower research cost +500 gold
2.2.0 - Explosive Sheep cost 1500 gold instead of 1000 and need 3 pop
2.2.0 - Explosive Sheep gets benefits from Aegisbringer and General civs bonuses
2.2.0 - Did an attempt to fix tech tree, was a bad idea, let's hope it won't make troubles.
2.1.1 - Adjusted Tiger to other predators, now again Lion the true king!
2.1.0 - New civ balances
2.1.0 - Base tribute changed to 100% (80/60/40/20/0 by techs) - (trying to fix sling bug)
2.1.0 - new animal for Sheep: Tigers and Explosive Sheep
2.1.0 - Lion +150 hp and +20 armor, but cost +1111 gold
2.1.0 - Furious the Monkey Boy cost 1500 gold instead of 2500
2.1.0 - King of the Animals technology cost increased from 3000 to 4000 gold
2.1.0 - Iron Boar and Bear eating is 5x faster (suggested by PeterTheWolf)
2.1.0 - Wargs can destroy gold mines
2.1.0 - Crocodile always can eat fishes
2.1.0 - Crocodile +10% movement speed and +1 LoS
2.1.0 - Stormy Dog have 5 hp instead of 1 with high armor to survive few arrows and +10% flying speed
2.0.9 - Some minor civ changes
2.0.9 - Added a no crash Ai to able to play the mod in Singleplayer mode (thanks to PremiumPopcorn)
2.0.9 - Sheep now faster than Iron Boar
2.0.8 - Iron Bear no longer should bug the Wolf's LoS
2.0.7 - Night mode can be played in separated map instead of randomly happen in normal
2.0.7 - Reversed the Sheep Age up's cost
2.0.7 - Trading fish work rate increased a bit
2.0.7 - Bison movement speed and work rate increased
2.0.7 - Fixed one ambient sound
2.0.7 - Spies have research time (both S and W)
2.0.7 - Wolf's Spies cost increased to 2000 food from 1500
2.0.7 - Super Wolf upgrade increased by 250 food
2.0.7 - Wolf fishing range increased to 0.5 from 0.3
2.0.6 - As a test idea there is a small chance the map will be at night - (can be easy and hard)
2.0.6 - Reduced the ambient sound's frequency
2.0.6 - Gold mines should be more separated
2.0.6 - Starting locations no longer should be fully blocked by forest (thanks to Orca for fix)
2.0.6 - Food eating stacked in 10 instead of 5 packs
2.0.6 - Pile of food eating is instant
2.0.6 - Eating Sheep is 2x faster
2.0.6 - Clicking on Pile of food now should be easier
2.0.6 - Some Wolf civ changed
2.0.6 - Sheep now should able to pick up skull from dead Sheep (thanks to Claw for report)
2.0.6 - Trading fish's work rate reduced
2.0.6 - Sheep age up cost increased a bit
2.0.6 - All market level have same cost
2.0.6 - Caravan cost +200 wood and +100 gold
2.0.5 - Fixed Defender civ bug (thanks to Orca for report)
2.0.5 - Sheep with Skull now eatable (thanks to Claw for report)
2.0.5 - Changed some civ bonuses
2.0.5 - Added new ambient sounds!
2.0.5 - Reduced the Pile of food's rotting speed
2.0.5 - Wargs and Crocks can eat Pile of foods
2.0.5 - Crock got attack bonus vs Trading fishes
2.0.5 - Base tribute reduced from 300 to 250
2.0.5 - Upgrade to hawk cost reduced from 1000 to 750 gold
2.0.5 - Town Center's base attack increased from 5 to 20
2.0.5 - Sheep creating now takes +60sec
2.0.4 - Fixed a game-breaking bug
2.0.3 - Wolf age and level up cost increased a bit
2.0.3 - Sheep's cost reduced from 2000 to 1500 gold
2.0.3 - Destroyer's team bonus reduces Sheep's cost by 500 instead of 1000 gold
2.0.3 - Fixed one type of gold mine spawn bug
2.0.2 - Wolf age up and level technologies are cheaper (except Super and Mega)
2.0.2 - Killing Sheep units and razes gives small amount of food
2.0.2 - Sheep's Yurt technologies cost 200 instead of 100
2.0.2 - Attempt to fix bug when animals or objects spawned at incorrect land type
2.0.2 - Fixed Shark's attack graphics
2.0.2 - Fixed Watcher's civ bonus
2.0.2 - Default starting res now shows correctly
2.0.2 - Trading fish work rate reduced by 20%
2.0.2 - Trading fish movement speed reduced by 10%
2.0.2 - More fish and animals will spawn based on number of players
2.0.2 - Non-visible deer/horse/boar gives ~30% more food
2.0.1 - First public version
2.0.0 - Private beta tests (thanks to 2franks, Claw, Deepan_raj, lumberingdino, Shark_Slayer, Spark and Phleg)

Known and not fixable bugs.... yet

- Technologies cannot be stop at Wolf Cave and Yurt
- Atheism cannot be mixed or edited
- Player made forest tree is distinguishable by some way
- Player made forest tree not cutable by owner, have to delete it like other buildings
- Random map may place unfairly the terrain or objects
- Sheep can't right click TC/Market to drop resources
- Hole cannot be remade as Farms
- Hole need a non-blocked tile at left, due to farming movement is made for 3x3 area, not 2x2
- There is a "hidden stance change" for units after collecting food from corpses, have to retarget enemy.


This mod not compatible with the following Visual mods:
- Blue Berries
- HD Units re-skin
- Pumpkin Patch
- Pro Mod
If you will use these Visual mods, you will get the "black box bug" or wrong text lines.

You don't want to see gaia chat messages as spectator? Use the Silent Tribute!

Sheep vs Wolf - small trees


Sheep vs Wolf - RATED

You can play it rated in CAL - Sheep vs Wolf II at CS - Arcade lobby!

Rated rules

Due to this being a .rms based map, the map list needs to remain open in order for it to be rated. Any type of abuse related to this ladder will result in point deductions and/or an account ban.

Since this ladder is the first of it's kind in the CS lobby we have set specific rules related to this map. I will not tolerate abuse of any kind related to this League/Ladder.
  1. Playing any other maps on this ladder other than SvW will result in a temporary account ban. No exceptions. Don't like this rule? Then go play on the Madness ladder please.
  2. Only SvW 1 & 2 Mods may be used.
  3. Using any other mod with the map is not allowed.
  4. Abuse of unreachable terrains as islands and full cliffed areas is forbidden
  5. Sheep noCrashAi uses allowed to gain team bonuses.
It's your duty to keep play with fair settings. Once you click the "Start the game!" button you are agree with Host rules!

To report a player, please post in the CS Complaints section.

Sheep vs Wolf Nostalgia

If you wanna try how was the game many update ago, download and try the 2.3.0 version.

Offline game support

network_down.PNG AoKH link: [You must login to view link]

Special thanks

- Matt LiVecchi and Pulkit Karwal's LoRD mod - trees and Warg graphics
- Keisari Tapsa's and DiGiT's aoe tools
- JustTesting1234 and Mantis for new aokTS
- Zetnus for Black Forest Rivers as [You must login to view link] map
- Khan Ivayl's Age of Vampires - yurt + wolf graphics
- Cysion's AoFE - Wolf icon
- WBC3 for nest graphics
- Silent Ape and Ozhara for gold graphics
- Vardamir117's Realms mod for some Rocks, Horse, some Wolf skins, Lama, Cow and birds
- Jorritkarwehr for black sheep
- Rambit - for some help
- Sudipta for sheep dieing sound
- UserPatch team for the extended features to the game
- everyone who helped and played to make this mod awesome


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Şu an en popüler:
Word Association (95 kullanıcı)
AoKTS updates (74 kullanıcı)
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9.46 MB
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