Game not saving. Allocating points.


Join Date: 6 November 2010
Posted 30 June 2019 - 8:55 pm
This has happened several times now and has happened again on the last game. Playing 3v3 DM Michi game and there was a drop at about 10/50 mins in. 5 remaining players all saved, planning to restore. When we came out everyone had had points deducted and one player recieved 17.
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Join Date: 6 November 2010
Posted 30 June 2019 - 8:56 pm
You can see it as the last game played in on my profile. Coud someone please fix it? I was on a good run!
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Join Date: 21 November 2012
Posted 2 July 2019 - 2:15 am
I see this game:

I suppose it's a game error...

You can report this and ask if they will reset this game, most likely you will get 3 points back...

Forum where you have to ask for reset DM-Team games:
(open topic and just tell there what happened and give link of the game(s))

PS: I am not a tech guy but the info should be right...

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