this is something i ended up making a while back, there are other strats that we have but are unreleased which only 5 members have access too.

this is the 1st strat that has been released by the MGS clan.

Once the plumbed, mamelukes, and conqs get going it is an extreamly hard strat to stop because the grouping is so hard to counter expecially once the seige ongars and rams come in.

This Document is Classified Top Secret Information of the MGS Clan.

Code name: The DOOM TRAIN

Civs: Mayan, Sacren, Spanish

Bonus: -50% wall cost,Archers+1 Attack vs Building,Cheap Market, +33% Trade Income.

Strategy:Full Stone Wall Double Sling

Game Start

Objective#1- Paliside Walls to be completed by 11-12 minute's.
( this meanns sending a villager out by 5 mins and two by 10 mins)

Objective#2- Full Stone Walls to be completed by 16 minutes.

Objective#3- Mayan is to be Imperial Age 21-23 minutes.

Objective#4- Both Slingers(Sacren/Spanish) are to send at least 1.5-3k resources before 20 minutes

Objective#5 Both Slingers are required to send at least 8-10k resorces before 30 minutes


Objective#1 Mayan is to fully upgrade Elite Eagles

Objective#2 Mayan will flood enemy econamy from imperial age and onward- nonstop flow if possable.

Objective#3 Spanish and Sacren are to do full 3-4 TC boom with trade established before 30 minutes.

Objective#4 Spanish and Sacren are to come in as back up with rams/seige rams/siege ongars

Objective#5 Spanish and Sacren are to come in with Conqs and Mamelukes as back up after 30mins

Objective#6 Mayan are to create Plumbed archers after 30 minutes


Objective#1 Spanish and Sacren are to maintain Safe walls, this means you can make knights or mangs for support vs wall breakers.

Objective#2 Out Posts must be made by 2 or more players on the outside of walls for defence purposes before 25 mins.

Objective#3 Trade Route wall must be made before 40 minutes.