Age of Empires II: The Conquerors > Game Mods > AoC Custom Scenarios
AoC Custom Scenariosby Voobly Team - 24090 downloads |
Age of Empires II: The Conquerors
Custom Scenario Map Pack
Custom Scenario Map Pack
Now the Custom Scenarios used for rated games can be downloaded and installed through the Voobly mod system. You will automatically receive updated maps as they are released, and enjoy the benefits of easy installation. Individual map links are also listed below.
To see which maps rate under each ladder, please click on the Ladder page itself. Maps that will rate under that ladder are listed to the right of the page under "Map List". You can see the Ladder list for each Lobby on the Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Lobbies page.
To see which maps rate under each ladder, please click on the Ladder page itself. Maps that will rate under that ladder are listed to the right of the page under "Map List". You can see the Ladder list for each Lobby on the Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Lobbies page.
Individual Maps Download list
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Alternative Maps
- =V= AOC DOTA 4F.scx
- =V= AoW FiX.scx
- =V= Battlebots 5.scx
- =V= ACS Dodgeball v5.scx
- =V= ACS Dodgeball TiW.scx
- =V= Dodgeball Teams v10.scx
- =V= Europe 2v2.scx
- =V= Europe Random.scx
- =V= Europe TiW.scx
- =V= King of Towers.scx
- =V= Line Wars AC.scx
- =V= Lustful Encounters v8.scx
- =V= Marathon Blood v1a.scx
- =V= MicroMania.scx
- =V= Nomad CB Kirazy.scx
- =V= Prefose.scx
- =V= Pyramid Destruction.scx
- =V= Roll The Dice v14.9d.scx
- =V= Sea-BA Hero V9
- =V= Sheep Soccer.scx
- =V= TTF Short.scx
- =V= World Map.scx
- =V= Zotten Blood v2.scx
Blood Maps
- =V= Archers Blood v5.scx
- =V= Archers Blood Teams.scx
- =V= Archers Hellfire.scx
- =V= Bacteria v2.scx
- =V= BattleShip Blood.scx
- =V= Bens 1v1 Smosh v2.scx
- =V= Blacksmith Blood 2016-04.scx
- =V= Blue Blood v8.scx
- =V= Blood of The Hill 1.4.scx
- =V= Chaos Blood v2.scx
- =V= Crusades Blood v2.scx
- =V= Daze Blood v11.scx
- =V= Deathrow v5.scx
- =V= Desert Blood.scx
- =V= Diamond Blood v4.scx
- =V= Dome Blood - Hero v3.scx
- =V= Eternal Blood.scx
- =V= Fury Blood 2016-04.scx
- =V= Germs Blood v2.scx
- =V= Grave Blood.scx
- =V= Gwarz v9.scx
- =V= Hardcore Blood.scx
- =V= Herofest v6.scx
- =V= Herofest Redux v1.scx
- =V= House of Cards v1b.scx
- =V= Khans Blood v5.scx
- =V= King Moves v1.scx
- =V= Nova Blood v5.scx
- =V= Path B H v3.scx
- =V= Path Blood v4.scx
- =V= Phat Blood v2.scx
- =V= Pool Blood 2016-04.scx
- =V= Pyramid Blood.scx
- =V= Radical Blood v2.scx
- =V= Radical Blood Teams.scx
- =V= Ray Blood v3.scx
- =V= Roulette Blood.scx
- =V= Sharp Blood.scx
- =V= Small Blood v2.scx
- =V= Smosh SF v5.scx
- =V= Soldier Store 8P v2.scx
- =V= Soldier Store Accel.scx
- =V= Sorcerors Blood v09.scx
- =V= Spider Blood FiX v4.scx
- =V= Soldier Store Revamp.scx
- =V= Spider 1v1.scx
- =V= Teutonic Blood v2.scx
- =V= Veteran Blood v7.scx
- =V= Veteran BloodBvsG v2.scx
- =V= War of Attrition v8.scx
- =V= Zoo Blood.scx
Castle Blood Maps
- =V= AoFE CBA.scx
- =V= BYO CB v2.scx
- =V= BYO CB v4.scx
- =V= CB Massacre v17.scx
- =V= CBAv18 1v1.scx
- =V= CBAv19.scx
- =V= CBAv20.scx
- =V= CBAv21.scx
- =V= CBAv22.scx
- =V= CBAv33.scx
- =V= CBA Teams v4.scx
- =V= CBA Hero AC V13.scx
- =V= CBA Hero AC V15.scx
- =V= CBA Hero AC V18.scx
- =V= CBA Hero AC V53.scx
- =V= CBA & CBA Hero WoloKingdoms (WK)
- =V= CBA Pathblood 1-8-2.scx
- =V= CBF - NoTower v2.scx
- =V= CBF - Tower v2.scx
- =V= CBF - 2v2 - Tower.scx
- =V= CBF - 2v2 - Tower AC.scx
- =V= CBF - 2v2 - NoTower.scx
- =V= CBF - 2v2 - NoTower AC.scx
- =V= CBX v8.scx
- =V= CBX Teams.scx
MCB & RCB Maps
- =V= 10th Legion CB v2.scx
- =V= EXCALIBUR I - Light.scx
- =V= EXCALIBUR IX Legends.scx
- =V= EXCALIBUR VIII 3v3.scx
- =V= KING WARZ III - AK.scx
- =V= Kings Conquest III.scx
- =V= Mini CB Classic v4.scx
- =V= Mini CB Classic X.scx
- =V= Mini CB Store 3v3.scx
- =V= Mini CB Store v5.scx
- =V= RCB Gold 2011.scx
- =V= RCB Gold 2013 F12.scx
- =V= RCB 2017 League v2.scx
Tower Defense Maps
- =V= Ancient TDA v5.scx
- =V= Atomic TD v22.scx
- =V= Blast TD-L.scx
- =V= Che TD fix.scx
- =V= Marathon TD v20 Beta.scx
- =V= Snake TD 21.scx
- =V= Star TD.scx
- =V= Sword TD v2-1.scx
- =V= Teams TD II v4.scx
- =V= Teams TD III v14.scx
- =V= TDI - Solo v1 Mod.scx
- =V= TDII V24.scx
- =V= TDII TeamBonus v4.scx (only available in 'mod' form)
- =V= TDIII Beta 3.scx
- =V= Trench TD new.scx
- =V= Tsunami TD v10.scx
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Game Name:
Created By:
Voobly Team
Download Size:
14.69 MB