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Jurassic World 2018 - Newly Released Map

Hey guys! Some of you may already know who I am, but let me introduce myself for those who don't!

My name is El3V3N_11. I'm a map editor and I have been recreating the Jurassic Park maps since they were originally introduced by Donnie and his fellow editors.

This year I've created another updated version of my map and I'd like to share it with you all today.

You can visit this link anytime that you would like to download my new maps or any of my old ones. I will post my new maps here every time that I make one, so stay posted.
Click Here To Download Jurassic Maps by EL3V3N_11

If you guys have any questions whatsoever or would just want to get a game going and play, send me a friend request and message me on Voobly!

Thanks for reading and have fun!!