Hey everyone :)

♦ Luring boars
♦ Killing a villager at the beginning of the game
♦ Stealing sheeps

Are these (and others examples) laming?
Ok, the player is getting some kind of advantage he "shouldn't be getting" (it won't matter here the actual definition of laming), but that isn't the whole picture.

Everytime you lure a boar, you necessarily pay less attention to your regular stuff. Your vils are likely to cut tree in a not optimized way, that sheep won't be killed under the TC, the house will be built at the pixel that you rushly and recklessly clicked in order to go back to the scout-boar screen. Besides, if you went to the enemy's base quick enough to lure a boar, for sure you didn't explore your own base properly, and you may pay this price later. And of course, there is the risky of having the scout killed, and all the effort was for nothing. It's not a free benefit, but a trade-off

Everytime you kill a villager that was alone lumbering the first tree, or walling, or building a house, your enemy CHOSE to get an advantage, not having loom and, therefore, having a slight better economy, and of course he should have some risk. You do loom at the beggining, you don't have this risks, but you don't have the economy advantage either. It's not a free benefit, but a trade-off. So simple, but players keep on crying, they want to have all the advantages (exploring everything on the perfect time, no loom, all beautiful) and they want it with zero risk.

I won't take too long describing the same logic to sheep stealing, or any other example that people may add. But I'm so tired of, in the rare games that I actually get to 'lame', listening to the baby complaints, as if 'laming' was unilateral and riskless. If running on the first minute to the enemy's base, without getting your own sheeps, boars, anything, if this was ALWAYS GOOD, everybody would do that, of course. It's not a free benefit, but a trade-off.

Just tired... People treat 'laming' as cheating, or something unfair. Irrational logic, if you want ALL THE ADVANTAGES without a downside, download barbie game.