
I have seen that in "Arabia + Green Arabia Lobby" there are different ways of scoring, such as 1v1, 2v2, etc. but in all cases the maps of Arabia will be separated from those of Green Arabia. Why not create a new scoring option, in that lobby, which is a Random Arabia named "RA - 1v1", for example? In other words, "Arabia" is selected and a game is started with a random and original map of the game that is Arabia or Green Arabia, and that only those two types of maps can be played in this scoring and not the rest of the maps in the game. Arabia and Green Arabia I think are the maps that are most played in AoC. In this way, a ranking of the best players in Arabia and Green Arabia could be made, without separating these two types of maps and without adding other types of maps as happens in "RM - 1v1".

What do you think?