Age of Mythology: The Titans > Game Mods > Desertification


by Woepie - 15 downloads

Desertification is a map that has an economic win condition rather than a supremacy one: the first player to have 20000 food in the bank, wins the game. Other than that the map plays and feels like a regular high hunt map with some fish in the middle. Desertification is suitable for a FFA format for 4 players, with an observer feature accessible through player 5.

The general game plan is not too instantly rush to 20000 food, because that would leave you vulnerable to raids from your opponents. You will need to build a decent army like you would do in a supremacy game, all the while coming up with a plan to get your food stockpile going. The amount of safe resources is limited, so you will also have to think about securing gathering locations for the mid and late game.

Keep in mind that winning through supremacy and conquest has been made impossible. Wonders have been disabled and the starting town centers of all players have been made indestructible. To prevent that this will result in endless games, new resources will be spawned at 15 minutes and then after each 8 minutes at unsafe locations. Additionally, players can check the amount of food other players have by looking at the obelisks in the center of the map. This way you can know who is the closest to winning the game.

Have you been playing Desertification and do you have some feedback or would you like to report a bug? You can do that here. Your comment will be much appreciated.

The desert taking over the fertile lands

The food status obelisks

A map overview of Desertification
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