Age of Empires II: The Conquerors
Play Age of Empires II: The Conquerors online for free. Voobly automatically updates your game to support HD resolutions, game mods, and much more. With several AOC multiplayer lobbies such as Random Map, Custom Scenario, and Death Match you can find your favorite Age of Empires II multiplayer game type with ease. Voobly also supports many features for this game such as our NAT Traversal which bypass port forwarding, our rating system which is based on the MSN Zone ratings, and our advanced lobby system which allows players to communicate with ease.
Resources of Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion:
Resources of Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion:
by Roynas and RF_dfs - 246200 downloads - 116 comments Replaces original tree graphics with smaller images, providing much better overview of the map (easier to see units/buildings behind the woods) for easier playing. Maybe some won`t like it because it ruins the "feeling" a bit, making trees almost the same height as villagers. Many of the best players use this "mod" (modification) for improving their play. | |
by mfc_ - 106362 downloads - 26 comments In Light Grid Terrains, grids are black and rendered with alternating between 30%, %50 and 75% transparency over standart terrains. It blends better with your game than standart grid mod. | |
by $ Dollar Akshay $ - 92482 downloads - 34 comments Short walls, helps you to see behind those pesky walls | |
by pG_plexiq_ - 65923 downloads - 4 comments This mod will replace snow with default terrain. Note that Buildings, Forests, MINIMAP etc will still appear snow covered. | |
by RF_Dragon - 59837 downloads - 41 comments Changes light grey(color of player 7) to a dark grey, so it`s more visible on the mini-map. | |
by Pine - 54113 downloads - 1 comments Changes farms to a more realistic looking farm texture. Based off of Michael Watson's farm mod. | |
by Justin - 45505 downloads - 52 comments Sets hotkeys to those used in the HD Version and Forgotten Empires. | |
by pG_plexiq_ - 40042 downloads - 1 comments This mod slightly modifies desert terrain, changing dirt to grass. For example, Arabia map terrain looks like Green Arabia. It does not change the color on the minimap, though. | |
by JustTesting1234 - 31761 downloads - 0 comments Fixes bugged construction graphics of walls and gates | |
by Ozhara - 27289 downloads - 18 comments Changes gold & stone mines to a more realistic looking texture. | |
by [UB]_Hacks - 25603 downloads - 36 comments | |
by Pine - 24933 downloads - 51 comments A second version of the Enhanced Terrain mod for AoC, this mod updates the grass, water, road, snow and dirt terrains. To use this mod you will need to un-select the other version of Enhanced Terrains. | |
by Voobly Team - 24090 downloads - 93 comments Now the Custom Scenarios used for rated games can be downloaded and installed through the Voobly mod system. | |
by RF_dfs - 20991 downloads - 0 comments Small Trees in HD! | |
by Unknown - 19931 downloads - 2 comments Grid Terrains will add an overlaying grid to all terrains. | |
by Dedpool - 19131 downloads - 16 comments Advanced idle pointer | |
by AoC Community - 17733 downloads - 67 comments The Artificial Intelligence or AI, is the computer orders on how the enemy and ally computer player react in the environments of a game.This Ai pack is useful if you use aoeHD + compatible patch, or want more WK Ai, or just want a challenge from non-human enemy. | |
by Silent Ape - LaNisTR - LzNi - 16920 downloads - 16 comments A sanguinary texture, converted from "Silent Ape Mod" to AOC format. | |
by Justin - 14296 downloads - 0 comments HD Fire v2 is a more detailed texture for those who prefer the original fire. | |
by Justin - 14018 downloads - 4 comments HD Cliffs update the cliff graphics to give an updated and more detailed texture. | |
by mfc_ - 13560 downloads - 0 comments In Light Grid NoSnow, grids are black and rendered with alternating between 30%, %50 and 75% transparency over standart terrains. It blends better with your game than standart grid mod. | |
by nukterrible - 13266 downloads - 13 comments Adds an outline to all fish tiles so they are always visible. | |
by BruZi - 11414 downloads - 10 comments Reduces the size of the main mouse cursor for visibility and precision. The smaller cursor is about the same size as the windows mouse cursor. | |
by Philippe le Bon - 10998 downloads - 62 comments Update the descriptions of all units, buildings and technologies of AoC to much more useful information for players of all levels.Adopted by 2k+ players such as Tulkas_ (1v1) or PleaseBeGentle_ (TG). | |
by Weapon aka sojithesoulja - 10968 downloads - 19 comments Changes players 1,6,7 and 8 to a darker color (e.g. darker blue...) | |
by Gallas - 10672 downloads - 0 comments Replacing the villager's idle graphics into an exclamation mark (!) on the screen. | |
by Cicero - 10494 downloads - 53 comments A series of interactive tutorials for learning + practising build orders. Includes 10 scenarios. | |
by TheViper - 10212 downloads - 23 comments TheViper Hotkeys!! | |
by Dedpool - 9301 downloads - 4 comments 20% shorter houses | |
by Justin - 9090 downloads - 23 comments This Mod allows the playing of the original AoC game music while playing on Voobly! | |
by Pine - 8776 downloads - 2 comments This mod changes the forage bushes from red berries to blueberries. | |
by GorLeon - 8025 downloads - 22 comments Shows the standard range of every tower for better placement. | |
by GregStein - 7409 downloads - 8 comments Control group numbers in bigger size | |
by its_n3tino, KinGDooM - 7275 downloads - 1 comments Get taunts 1 to 999 that have been fixed to not crash your game as some people had this issue in the past. Taunts make the game experience a lot better and you will never memorize all 999 taunts so pressing enter during the game and randomly typing a number between 1-999 can be unexpectedly funny if the right taunt comes along. | |
by Gallas - 7252 downloads - 35 comments 11 or 20 round micro training. Each alive unit gives one gold, earn more gold than other player to win! | |
by TWest - 7107 downloads - 4 comments Maps for the ECL. | |
by Justin - 6836 downloads - 11 comments Changes Water Textures to Alpha Version! | |
by Jorgito_Lando - 6620 downloads - 40 comments New graphics and re-skin for units. | |
by GorLeon - 6174 downloads - 8 comments Shows the range of every town center. | |
by Pine/pG_plexiq_ - 6159 downloads - 11 comments Enhanced Terrains v2 Mod With No Snow Patch | |
by GorLeon - 5892 downloads - 11 comments Shows the standard range of every castle for better placement. | |
by Voobly Team - 5875 downloads - 1 comments Enhances functionality of spectator mode and also when streaming/viewing recorded games. | |
by Justin - 5445 downloads - 6 comments Changes the default minimap colors of red, purple,grey, and orange. | |
by Cysion - 5280 downloads - 9 comments The pink pony patch turns the purple color(Player 6) into hot pink. | |
by BruZi - 5181 downloads - 31 comments This is a mod that makes the graphical user interface of every civ show its tech tree if you use a 1920 x 1080 resolution. | |
by Pine - 5114 downloads - 0 comments Enhanced Terrain mod for Age of Empires II: The Conquerors, this mod updates the grass, water, snow and dirt terrains. | |
by Elusive - 4904 downloads - 2 comments This mod allows you to choose the original AoC hotkeys. After you switch to a different set of hotkeys you will need to reset the hotkeys inside the game once, to get the new keys set. | |
by Dedpool - 4391 downloads - 25 comments More polished version of the original terrains | |
by Azurzar - 4332 downloads - 96 comments Tasteful architecture sets.For the Pixel Art lovers. Steam Version: [You must login to view link] | |
by Justin - 4262 downloads - 1 comments Updates Tree Graphics to the Graphics from the HD Version. | |
by Justin - 4111 downloads - 4 comments This Mod allows the playing of the original AoK game music while playing AoC!! | |
by SmotPoker/_TimZilla - 3964 downloads - 1 comments This mod replaces all trees with bamboo graphics.All tree shadows except bamboo shadows deleted for clarity. | |
by mfc_ - 3917 downloads - 1 comments NoSnow version of Advanced Grid!Light checkboard tinted tiles and 2x2 harder outlines. It makes counting tiles and placing buildings easier! | |
by Justin - 3769 downloads - 1 comments Changes Farms to the Alpha Version Texture. | |
by Justin - 3674 downloads - 2 comments Alpha/Beta building graphics for AoC. | |
by TriRem - 3620 downloads - 27 comments Showcase of various building sets for the WololoKingdoms mod. | |
by mfc_ - 3406 downloads - 6 comments Light checkboard tinted tiles and 2x2 harder outlines. It makes counting tiles and placing buildings easier! | |
by Gallas - 3164 downloads - 5 comments wololo aiyo yoyo - replaces monk's convert and heal sounds to aoe 1. | |
by Gallas - 3141 downloads - 6 comments This mod change players font's size to a bit bigger. | |
by AlgernonR (among others) - 3082 downloads - 2 comments This mod installs a lot of the maps used in the t90 Community Games. | |
by kaniqua1, Katsuni - 3059 downloads - 1 comments Katsuni Taunts | |
by xmfcx - 2942 downloads - 18 comments You asked for it, now you got it.Here I present you lightest grid of them all: ULTRA LIGHT GRIDS THEY ARE SO BARELY VISIBLE YOU CANNOT SEE THEM(!) | |
by Silent Ape - LaNisTR - LzNi - 2855 downloads - 1 comments Beautiful Farms. Based in "Enhanced Farms by Silent Ape". | |
by Chrazini - 2779 downloads - 5 comments After the great success of King of the Desert and Battle of Africa, we are thrilled and proud to announce the next big tournament. | |
by LaNisTR - LzNi - 2770 downloads - 2 comments Change the orange on minimap | |
by Elusive - 2735 downloads - 8 comments This mod allows you to choose the original AoFE hotkeys. | |
by Dedpool - 2522 downloads - 6 comments Eye-candy farms | |
by $ Dollar Akshay $ - 2424 downloads - 2 comments Tired of the dull yellow flames ? Try this kick ass blue flames mod ![]() | |
by blk_panther - 2408 downloads - 2 comments Replaces the nomad style dark age buildings with more dark age fitting ones. Changes towncenter, houses, dock, mill, barracks and outpost. | |
by Gallas - 2371 downloads - 1 comments This mod change the unit stats's text to bold. | |
by HenkDeSuperNerd - 2270 downloads - 0 comments Maps for Hidden Cup 2 - by T90Official | |
by nhoobish, Suicide & Chimaera - 2213 downloads - 0 comments The classical Role-Playing Game Scenarios now all in one place, so that players wouldn't have to go searching for them one by one. | |
by Pancrol - 2187 downloads - 5 comments Game mode where you start directly on Feudal Age with an already working economy. | |
by Jineapple - 2097 downloads - 8 comments Replaces the default english language of the compatibility patch with spanish. | |
by Dedpool - 2012 downloads - 18 comments this mod offers a 2x2 grid for the "remastered terrains" mod | |
by GorLeon - 2008 downloads - 9 comments Shows the standard range of moving mangonels, onagers and siege onagers. | |
by Justin - 1964 downloads - 1 comments Changes Water textures to alternative graphics! | |
by [sds]Gallas - 1934 downloads - 6 comments All Age of Kings and Conquerors campaign maps playable in multiplayer! | |
by gianbalex - 1896 downloads - 0 comments Seven background songs that make your game experience absolutely EPIC and AWESOME!This mod allow you to play Epic Battle Songs in-game! This feature is fully integrated with AoC and you can adjust the music volume easy from AoC options! Seven background songs that make your game experience absolutely EPIC and AWESOME! | |
by LotR Community - 1868 downloads - 2 comments Selection of Lord of the Rings Scenarios. All of these should be the latest versions. | |
by Evilsun ( converted by dedpool for aoc ) - 1840 downloads - 2 comments Vegetable Farms | |
by nhoobish, Suicide & Chimaera - 1823 downloads - 0 comments The classical Tower Defence Scenarios now all in one place, so that players wouldn't have to go searching for them one by one. | |
by Myself - 1796 downloads - 6 comments This mod turns the smoke trail of treb, onager, bbc, galley shots into flaming trail (originally its grey). Makes it much easier to track siege weapon shots during battle. | |
by Ozhara - 1721 downloads - 0 comments HD Fire will change the way the fire looks to a more detailed and realistic look. | |
by Dedpool - 1703 downloads - 7 comments New eye candy Small trees | |
by GregStein - 1664 downloads - 3 comments Control group numbers in bigger size For HD Edition | |
by dedpool ( edited from gregstein's yellow berries ) - 1636 downloads - 0 comments Yellow berries | |
by Dedpool - 1633 downloads - 26 comments lightest grid for delightful terrains | |
by Pine - 1620 downloads - 0 comments This mod changes the trees to the trees from Age of Empires I. | |
by TheMadCADer - 1608 downloads - 20 comments This mod replaces all the existing land terrains in AoC. These new textures are meant to provide greater enjoyment for players as well as reduce the visual strain that some of the original terrains have. | |
by Pancrol and GorLeon - 1582 downloads - 0 comments Additional mod for v1.6 Game Data. Shows range of buildings | |
by Justin - 1578 downloads - 0 comments This Mod allows the playing of the original AoE game music while playing AoC!! | |
by mfc_ - 1570 downloads - 15 comments This mod aims to create the most both eye pleasing and functional terrain mod. | |
by Justin - 1562 downloads - 1 comments Changes Farm textures to new graphics! | |
by GorLeon - 1527 downloads - 3 comments Small version (50%) of trees from DE! | |
by DE - 1503 downloads - 2 comments DE Idle pointer | |
by LaNisTR - LzNi - 1483 downloads - 0 comments Changes ice and snow, for decrease dark pixels, and a more realistic looking texture. | |
by Jineapple - 1476 downloads - 11 comments A mod to replace tooltip and tech tree descriptions with more accurate and detailed information - Attack bonuses, speed, attack rate, etc. | |
by Voobly Team - 1447 downloads - 1 comments Now the Unrated Custom Scenarios can be downloaded and installed through the Voobly mod system. | |
by ... - 1371 downloads - 1 comments Remove useless random cactusses that appear on the map. | |
by Gallas - 1370 downloads - 10 comments CBA and CBA Hero map's upgraded version for WololoKingdomsPlay CBA with 31 civilizations! | |
by me - 1283 downloads - 0 comments This mod turns the arrows into a darker black arrows (before chemistry only). Makes arrows look better and more noticeable during fights. | |
by gag2000 - 1280 downloads - 0 comments almost every black shadow is replaced by a transparent one | |
by GorLeon - 1257 downloads - 13 comments Nice terrains from DE & grid! | |
by nhoobish - 1226 downloads - 12 comments This mod plays Medieval 2 Total War Music as the background sound while playing a game on Voobly. | |
by Ali-TP - 1209 downloads - 2 comments Brown palisade | |
by Principal: Jineapple & _Lambda - 1182 downloads - 0 comments La versión en español para descubrir información previamente oculta del árbol de tecnoloías y corregir algunos errores de información. Reemplaza los textos actuales por los modificados y corregidos. No es necesario que sus compañeros de equipo o rivales lo tengan. | |
by Pancrol, katsuie - 1151 downloads - 32 comments Convert your game unit as Definitive Editions visual unit | |
by Pine & dedpool - 1144 downloads - 8 comments Enhanced Terrains v2 Mod With Grid No Snow Patch | |
by LaNistR-LzNi - 1142 downloads - 1 comments This mod contains graphics for Water | |
by Pancrol, katsuie - 1114 downloads - 18 comments Architecture port from Definitive Edition | |
by Hichokei - 1110 downloads - 9 comments Mod que pone Age of Empires 2 en Español añadiendo además mucha más información de unidades, tecnologías y estrategias básicas. | |
by Dedpool - 1107 downloads - 0 comments Smaller version of "Hd small trees v2" | |
by Pine & obi11 - 1092 downloads - 12 comments Made some changes to make the map more balanced to the current CBA map and created an AoFE CBA version. Changes suggested by obi11 and map made by Pine. | |
by Ozhara - 1066 downloads - 2 comments New graphics for the gold and stone mine. | |
by LaNisTR - LzNi - 1063 downloads - 1 comments A mod to a more realistic looking terrain texture. | |
by Elusive - 1044 downloads - 7 comments Instead of white, this mod changes the spectator chat to a light blue color. | |
by Pancrol - 1039 downloads - 17 comments Trees have a square shadow around them to better identify holes. | |
by Pancrol - 1032 downloads - 26 comments This mod adds vertical lines every five units to make it easy to count the number of selected units. | |
by de - 1028 downloads - 5 comments de destruction | |
by Bala Arizalu - 1022 downloads - 0 comments AoF HD building set for Slavs | |
by Justin - 966 downloads - 0 comments Changes Terrains to Alpha/Beta graphics. | |
by Dedpool & RF_dfs - 960 downloads - 0 comments Enhanced small trees | |
by ConstantinusXI - 957 downloads - 30 comments The best quaility building setsEnsure best quality comparing to building sets to all civs. | |
by Silent Ape - 945 downloads - 3 comments Enhanced Blood II with WololoKingdoms support.Alters the dying frames of units. | |
by BruZi - 944 downloads - 21 comments This is a visual mod for the KotD tournament. It changes all the terrains, trees and farms displayed on both types of arabia maps. | |
by BruZi - 941 downloads - 32 comments Replaces Scouts with DauT Scouts, which have Daut's face on them. Luring might become a bit sloppier. | |
by Justin - 927 downloads - 1 comments Changes trees to a smaller, different looking texture. | |
by fobbix - 911 downloads - 17 comments Changed around a load of the colours to ones that I like better. | |
by AoC Zone Community - 898 downloads - 1 comments All the random maps updates and orderer for packs | |
by YuenHsiaoTieng - 894 downloads - 23 comments Independent unit sets for different regions... finally!! | |
by Pancrol - 892 downloads - 13 comments Additional mod for 1.6 Community Patch. Makes HP bars of units always visible. | |
by Begjan - 874 downloads - 10 comments | |
by Dedpool - 861 downloads - 0 comments Small african forest trees | |
by gag2000 - 854 downloads - 3 comments almost every black building shadow is replaced by a transparent one | |
by blk_panther & Gallas - 836 downloads - 3 comments Replaces the Trebuchet projectile with cows! | |
by Gallas - 836 downloads - 0 comments Small Trees for the Sheep vs Wolf game mod. | |
by Jorgito_aqua27 (fixed by TresTilo) - 824 downloads - 1 comments The best-looking cliffs possible! | |
by LAT_SpAwN - 819 downloads - 9 comments Taunts,Anime,Music,Fun,Mexican humor | |
by Justin - 816 downloads - 2 comments This Mod allows the playing of the original RoR game music while playing AoC!! | |
by R_V_A - 796 downloads - 1 comments A mod that will replace normal farms with rice ones. | |
by Pine/pG_plexiq_ - 777 downloads - 0 comments Enhanced Terrains Mod With No Snow Patch | |
by blk_panther - 768 downloads - 1 comments Enhances palisade wall, palisade gate and sea wall by removing yellow sand around the base, fixing shadows and more. | |
by 23RaidingParty - 755 downloads - 0 comments Replaces default WIN1, WIN2, and LOSE sound files with cool Pokémon anime BGM. | |
by pi31415etc, GorLeon - 740 downloads - 8 comments Enjoy the meme! | |
by Justin - 733 downloads - 0 comments Changes trees to a different looking texture. | |
by GorLeon - 716 downloads - 2 comments Makes the boar look bigger. | |
by pablo@voobly - 713 downloads - 3 comments Music from Definitive Edition | |
by GorLeon - 711 downloads - 6 comments Gold and stone from DE! | |
by SaladEsc - 706 downloads - 1 comments Adds an overlaying grid to all terrains types and replace the snowy terrains with the default grass terrain. | |
by Various (see thread) - 676 downloads - 1 comments Huge Map collection for WololoKingdoms. Mod comes with 500+ maps. Here you will find new and old maps. Requires WololoKingdoms to work. | |
by GorLeon - 667 downloads - 8 comments Eye-candy herdables from DE! | |
by withmorten - 651 downloads - 0 comments Replaces the cliffs with the alpha texture | |
by Memb, T-West - 643 downloads - 0 comments The maps for the Mangrove Shallows Cup. | |
by Gallas - 640 downloads - 0 comments Replaced all projectile to Sheep! | |
by [MPU]Dettol - 632 downloads - 5 comments eye candy small trees v4 | |
by GorLeon - 630 downloads - 7 comments Makes very clear which construction is being built. | |
by GorLeon - 629 downloads - 1 comments Berries from DE! | |
by _Sm1le - 609 downloads - 10 comments This mod replaces the long corner walls with short ones. | |
by AI scripting Community - 585 downloads - 24 comments Tested ONLY for 1.6 RC Game Data, COULD work with other similar mods | |
by ... - 582 downloads - 6 comments Remove hawks and macaws. Also them sounds. | |
by LaNistR-LzNi - 582 downloads - 1 comments Graphic Mod for Water's | |
by Pancrol and GorLeon - 578 downloads - 0 comments Additional mod for v1.6 Game Data. Shows range of buildings | |
by LaNisTR - LzNi - 573 downloads - 0 comments A mod to a more realistic looking terrain texture. Including Grid Terrain | |
by SaladEsc - 566 downloads - 2 comments Red Cube fish for better visibility | |
by Duckcity - 566 downloads - 0 comments Sometimes villagers get tired of having berries each and everyday, so this mod allows them to indulge on sweet and savory pumpkins! | |
by ... - 566 downloads - 1 comments Remove useless plants that appear usually on water. They aren't trees, can't be cut, just hinder the view | |
by Poxo, Hichokei - 554 downloads - 3 comments Mapa para la comunidad española del Age of Empires II (CEA), mapa español (SPA) para el torneo | |
by SaladEsc - 543 downloads - 0 comments In-game taunts are useful, but they often interrupt and distract the gameplay. This mod lowers the gain of the default taunts by roughly 50%. | |
by LotR Community - 541 downloads - 0 comments Many popular Lord of the Rings and Hobbit quotes and sound clips now in a Taunt Mod. | |
by Riesgo / Poxo - 535 downloads - 0 comments Taunts from the spanish comunity, created by Riesgo, reuploaded by Poxo.Taunts de la comunidad española, creados por Riesgo, resubidos por Poxo | |
by Silent Ape - 531 downloads - 0 comments Enhanced Blood with WololoKingdoms support.Alters the decay frames of units. | |
by AlgernonR - 531 downloads - 0 comments This mod includes maps used for the T90 Discord Tourney 2v2 Edition. All maps chosen by tournament admin YoungPanda95. | |
by Dedpool - 519 downloads - 7 comments NO snow version of the "Remastered Terrain" mod | |
by GorLeon - 515 downloads - 6 comments Makes the deer look bigger. | |
by Ozhara - 512 downloads - 2 comments I photoshoped a little bit the Ozhara´s mines | |
by Earnur - 509 downloads - 1 comments Los mapas oficiales que serán usados, en el torneo de la Liga Americana.Los mapas son con posiciones fijas. | |
by Anne HK - 506 downloads - 2 comments Building Including House, Mill, Lumber camp, Mining camp, Dock, Blacksmith, Market, Monastery, University, Town Centre, Wonder, Barrack, Archery range, Stable, Siege workshop, Outpost, Tower, Castle, Kreport, Donjon label | |
by moddingnoob - 499 downloads - 18 comments Dark Skin Villagers Recolor mod | |
by DE - 498 downloads - 8 comments | |
by GorLeon - 490 downloads - 0 comments Maps who try to resemble the new DE ones. | |
by GorLeon - 488 downloads - 2 comments Nice farms from DE! | |
by Dedpool - 488 downloads - 0 comments ( delightful terrains NO SnOw ) mod with light grid | |
by GregStein - 482 downloads - 5 comments reskin for fishing ships | |
by Dedpool - 478 downloads - 2 comments Real 3D looking berries | |
by Justin - 461 downloads - 1 comments "Darken mini-map grey" mod changes the mini-map colors for player 7 from light-grey to a darker grey shade. This helps spotting units quicker and prevents potential confusion with natural resources. | |
by da sheep - 459 downloads - 1 comments makes wolf and boar look like in DE and Can be used with all mods. | |
by nhoobish, Suicide & Chimaera - 448 downloads - 3 comments The classical U Da Prey Scenarios now all in one place, so that players wouldn't have to go searching for them one by one. | |
by AOK Heavengames, FE Team, WK Team, UP Team, AI Team, WK DE Team, DE Balance Team, Voobly Community - 447 downloads - 8 comments Additional custom maps for the 1.6 Community Patch. | |
by GorLeon - 447 downloads - 1 comments Nice terrains from DE! | |
by BruZi - 446 downloads - 0 comments Replaces every cactus with small rocks. | |
by Dedpool - 443 downloads - 0 comments | |
by Gallas - 442 downloads - 10 comments This Visual mod turning off the tribute sound and message. Useful in several map where gaia sending negative resources to player and it's visible as Spectator. | |
by Richie - 436 downloads - 3 comments Voobly Port of this HD mod: [You must login to view link] | |
by Pancrol, Katsuie, GorLeon and Chris - 433 downloads - 10 comments Additional mod for Comunity Patch v1.6 that handles the random map pool. | |
by Justin - 432 downloads - 0 comments Changes Shallow terrain to Beta version graphic! | |
by nhoobish, Suicide & Chimaera - 430 downloads - 1 comments The classical Protect the One Scenarios now all in one place, so that players wouldn't have to go searching for them one by one. | |
by felistime, katsuie - 429 downloads - 22 comments This is a mod for 1.6 Game Data that makes the graphical user interface of every civ show its tech tree using userpatch command bar position. | |
by LAT_SpAwN - 428 downloads - 3 comments Grid version of the terrains. | |
by Gallas - 423 downloads - 2 comments Siege projectiles shows the player's colors! | |
by HJ, Ensemble Studios and Forgotten Empires (C) - 422 downloads - 1 comments WK_Full Random has all the standard maps from AoC and from Expansion packs from HD.Full random gives the players opportunity to check the name on the map. This way you can recognize which map you are playing. You can check the name on map in the Objectives Window. - 44 Standard maps from Age of Conquerors, Forgotten Empires, African Kingdoms and Rise of Rajas. - Map information in Objectives Window (ALT+O) - Works the same way that Full Random does. - Allied Vision version included | |
by GorLeon - 418 downloads - 0 comments DE Terrains with grid enabled and without snow. | |
by Justin - 417 downloads - 9 comments Changes terrains to alternative textures! | |
by Jeye - 416 downloads - 6 comments Replaces the original AOC buildings, techs and units icons with Definitive Edition ones.It is compatible with WololoKingdoms and 1.5 RC AutoFarmQ Patch (which I highly recommend) | |
by [sds]Vardamir117 - 414 downloads - 1 comments Supplemental content for Realms mod | |
by GregStein - 413 downloads - 1 comments Cartoon age mod for age of empires 2 | |
by AuNZ - 396 downloads - 1 comments Map Pack for and from the AuNZ community. | |
by Gallas - 389 downloads - 3 comments This mod change the game cursors to be bigger sightly! | |
by Riven - 389 downloads - 5 comments | |
by Wf_Geisterlöffel - 385 downloads - 0 comments This is the Rbtv Tauntpack, now live on Voobly. | |
by Cavin - 381 downloads - 0 comments | |
by danielpereira - 375 downloads - 0 comments Contains all extra content of The Portuguese Civ Mod (most notabily, mercenary unit voices, new cheat unit sound effects and documentation) that was cut from the main release due to file size limitations | |
by various users - 371 downloads - 9 comments A collection of maps played at the german matchmaking platform nC-Zone. | |
by LAT_SpAwN - 369 downloads - 4 comments Check out this new Terrains!. | |
by Gallas - 366 downloads - 4 comments Trees have better outlines to make it easier see the edges, specially on elevations.This mod is compatible with other tree mods! This mod is compatible with WololoKingdoms too! | |
by TheMadCADer, Justin - 366 downloads - 0 comments This is only the Terrain modifications from the Hellfire mod. | |
by Vululu - 359 downloads - 4 comments Replaces player defeated sound with Daut's "Vat vaaaht??" Recommended for community games, especially those in regicide mode. | |
by Gallas - 357 downloads - 0 comments Including all of my finished non-modded multiplayer scenarios. | |
by GiGaAOE2 - 355 downloads - 4 comments DE water remake | |
by Chrazini - 354 downloads - 0 comments This map pack includes the most recent versions of all the maps that I have ever created, including original content and reimagined maps from the original game and other creators. | |
by AbroadHorse9865 - 344 downloads - 1 comments DE Shorter Houses | |
by Gs.jellymann and Gallas - 343 downloads - 3 comments Minimalistic mod for Age of Empires gaia objects. | |
by HappyLeaves - 341 downloads - 0 comments Automatically set Twitch stream title to Spectator Dashboard game title, with configurable prefix and suffix.Also responds to !title and !t[1,2] commands. | |
by TWest - 339 downloads - 0 comments Maps for the ECL (without grids on ZR terrains). | |
by Begjan - 338 downloads - 4 comments | |
by Gallas - 338 downloads - 0 comments Petard's explosion shows the player's color! | |
by Anne HK - 337 downloads - 1 comments Anne_HK - New Fish Borderanne_hk, anne, fish, fish border, 魚, 魚框 Instagram - aoe_anne_hk | |
by Gallas - 333 downloads - 1 comments Replaced the Trebuchet projectile to villagers! | |
by Pesqueira - 331 downloads - 0 comments Based off of Pesqueira's Oak Forests mod. This will turn all trees into colorful "Fall season" trees. | |
by MohamedSaber - 331 downloads - 1 comments Make it easier to see when you are scouting or scrolling the map. | |
by Dedpool - 325 downloads - 1 comments new water textures look | |
by Gallas - 322 downloads - 1 comments Removes the snow from buildings.Compatible with any terrain and graphics mods. | |
by HenkDeSuperNerd - 317 downloads - 1 comments This mod contains Random Maps with the Battle Royale mechanic with Userpatch 1.5.The storm advances in waves and will damage anything in it's reach. This will force players to the middle to create a unique agressive gamemode. | |
by Begjan - 304 downloads - 2 comments "Best Mates" move version... | |
by LaNistR-LzNi - 301 downloads - 0 comments Visual Mod for Water's | |
by Dedpool - 294 downloads - 0 comments amazing hd looking textures / no snow | |
by Voobly Team - 293 downloads - 6 comments The Casual Lobby Map Pack can be downloaded and installed through the Voobly Mod System. You will automatically receive updates once they are released and enjoy the benefits of easy installation. Individual map links are also listed below. | |
by Pancrol - 282 downloads - 7 comments Trees are all bushes and have a square shadow around them to better identify holes. | |
by Enkeli kuoleman - 282 downloads - 0 comments Rise of kings Trees | |
by Dedpool - 281 downloads - 0 comments Fluffy eye candy berries | |
by Daniel Perreira - 280 downloads - 6 comments This will only change the sound of a shot from Cannon and HandCannon | |
by Justin - 275 downloads - 0 comments Changes mines to a different texture. | |
by [UB]_Hacks - 274 downloads - 0 comments | |
by [MPU]Dettol - 267 downloads - 0 comments Amazing palm trees | |
by GorLeon - 264 downloads - 3 comments Trees from DE! | |
by Chrazini - 262 downloads - 2 comments This workshop item is the official map pool for the Two Pools Tournament hosted by LidaKor. | |
by nhoobish - 261 downloads - 0 comments This mod plays Medieval 2 Total War Kingdoms British Isles Music as the background sound while playing a game on Voobly. | |
by LaNisTR - LzNi - 261 downloads - 0 comments A mod to a more realistic looking terrain texture. Without Snow and including grid terrain. | |
by Chrazini - 258 downloads - 0 comments The official map pack for Hera's Potato Cup. | |
by LAT_SpAwN - 257 downloads - 2 comments Hello there.Light meshes and a little bit change of colors. | |
by GregStein - 252 downloads - 5 comments This mod decreases sheep loud sounds by -65% | |
by GorLeon - 252 downloads - 6 comments Shorter houses for better visibility! | |
by Justin - 251 downloads - 1 comments These are ONLY the unit modifications from the Hellfire mod. | |
by SaladEsc, ... - 251 downloads - 0 comments Reducidos el volumen de los Taunts del juego al 75%. Voces en Español (Spanish). | |
by Chrazini - 249 downloads - 1 comments The maps used for the MembTV Showmatch between Secret, Suomi and Aftermath. | |
by Chrazini - 246 downloads - 0 comments The official map pack for the European League of Clans organised by MundoAoE. | |
by felistime, katsuie, pancrol@voobly - 246 downloads - 19 comments This is a mod for 1.6 Game Data that makes the graphical user interface of every civ show its tech tree using userpatch command bar position.This version is combined with ez-counting mod. | |
by Gallas - 245 downloads - 0 comments CBA map reworks for specific mods. Play in space or fight with your Apache Helicopter against fleets in the known map system!! | |
by Rodrigus - 242 downloads - 2 comments Middle sized wood,for those who Small Trees' trees are too small. | |
by Dedpool - 241 downloads - 1 comments Small nordic pine trees | |
by GregStein - 238 downloads - 5 comments Eye-Friendly HD Landscape Terrain | |
by nhoobish - 238 downloads - 0 comments This mod plays Medieval 2 Total War Kingdoms Teutonic Music as the background sound while playing a game on Voobly. | |
by Azurzar - 237 downloads - 1 comments A diferent skin for jenizars, that apears in HD campaings. It adds a hat. | |
by Silent Ape - 236 downloads - 1 comments This mod alters the appearance of the flames as seen on the screenshots. It is based on the original flames sprites. | |
by Justin - 235 downloads - 0 comments Terrains from Star Wars Gallactic Battlegrounds | |
by everaoc - 233 downloads - 1 comments Trees at half height. | |
by [MPU]Dettol - 230 downloads - 1 comments Light Clear Waters | |
by Gallas, Jorgito and Mahazona - 228 downloads - 1 comments New horse graphics with player colors! | |
by Priere - 228 downloads - 0 comments | |
by DE - 222 downloads - 7 comments Porting graphics from Definitive Edition. | |
by GiGaAOE2 - 221 downloads - 0 comments adds DE comand iconsDE relic DE waypoint flag | |
by DE - 221 downloads - 3 comments Some DE fire | |
by BruZi - 221 downloads - 1 comments All grass terrains become GrassDaut terrains, which have Daut's face on them. | |
by nhoobish - 218 downloads - 3 comments All trees are changed with the smallest variant of the Jungle Tree to ease clickability. | |
by Pancrol - 216 downloads - 11 comments Add features like allied vision, fixed positions, handicap, triple tech mode or longer lasting resources to any map. | |
by _Hacks - 216 downloads - 1 comments | |
by TresTilo - 211 downloads - 1 comments Make your farms look awesome! | |
by nhoobish - 210 downloads - 0 comments This mod plays Medieval 2 Total War Kingdoms Crusades Music as the background sound while playing a game on Voobly. | |
by Dedpool - 207 downloads - 0 comments brighter and less grainy version of "gloomy terrains" | |
by LaNisTR - LzNi - 202 downloads - 0 comments A mod to a more realistic looking terrain texture. Without Snow. | |
by Luk45_AoC_ - 201 downloads - 2 comments Buenas, este mod lo que hace es ponerle la cuadricula a los terrenos excepto al agua, al quitarle la cuadricula al agua queda con movimiento a partir de la 1.5 | |
by Gallas - 196 downloads - 0 comments King changed to Santa and Deer to Rudolf.Made for ![]() | |
by TheMadCADer - 193 downloads - 0 comments Installs Mad Random Maps. | |
by Justin - 191 downloads - 0 comments Turn your AoC into a Volcanic Wasteland! | |
by De Rubbles - 188 downloads - 2 comments transforme your rubble in De Rubbles. | |
by Silent Ape - 184 downloads - 2 comments Adds blood to all civ-specific standard units (WololoKingdoms) | |
by Microsoft - 184 downloads - 5 comments standart aoc graphic | |
by tzaeru - 183 downloads - 0 comments Sheep Arabia is Arabia with easily found sheep. The first 4 sheep should spawn within the line of sight of the Town Center; The other sheep spawn no further than the boars (max 22 tiles from TC).The map script is otherwise based on ECL Arabia, meaning desert version only, no birds, no ponds. | |
by Dedpool - 182 downloads - 8 comments super enhanced textures | |
by Chrazini - 182 downloads - 0 comments The official map pack for TaToH's Improvement Cup organised by TaToH and Empathy. | |
by GregStein - 181 downloads - 0 comments Small baobab african trees | |
by Gallas - 181 downloads - 0 comments This Visual mod turning off the message popping's sound file. | |
by GiGaAOE2 - 180 downloads - 0 comments adds some DE hero iconsand DE icons all Tech icons | |
by PizzaMoe - 180 downloads - 1 comments "Michi" is a map where the teams are separated by a big line of wood, which has to be cut first before you can attack. | |
by RBTV-Comunity members: Naich95, kassiopeeia, Boioioioioioioiiing, raptorh - 179 downloads - 0 comments All your male workers will be trendy westcoated gentleman. | |
by nhoobish - 177 downloads - 1 comments Adjusted and enhanced cursors for easier accuracy. | |
by Discern - 176 downloads - 0 comments The map pack used for the USA Cup Tournament in 2018 | |
by GorLeon - 173 downloads - 2 comments Turns palisade walls into fences! | |
by Andy De Pooter - 169 downloads - 0 comments This is a graphic interface for Wololo Kingdoms.Designed by Andy De Pooter. | |
by RacerFXX - 168 downloads - 1 comments Mappack for the Aspiring Experts tournament | |
by Gallas - 168 downloads - 17 comments Turn off the warning sounds. (unit / building / monk / animal) Suggested for Spectators! | |
by nhoobish - 166 downloads - 0 comments This mod plays Medieval 2 Total War Stainless Steel Music as the background sound while playing a game on Voobly. | |
by GorLeon - 164 downloads - 1 comments Changes palisade walls into fortified palisade walls! | |
by LAT_SpAwN - 164 downloads - 1 comments Different kind of farms. | |
by HenkDeSuperNerd - 162 downloads - 1 comments Random Map based on the boardgame Settlers of Catan.Contains 4 ZR@-maps which have random distribution of resource tiles. Maps are 8-player size (huge map) | |
by nhoobish - 161 downloads - 0 comments This mod plays Medieval 2 Total War Kingdoms American Music as the background sound while playing a game on Voobly. | |
by Chrazini - 159 downloads - 0 comments The official map pack for Marvino's Plebino Cup. | |
by Gs.jellymann, Gallas, ... - 158 downloads - 1 comments Smaller version of some cubes than the original one. Clearer view and more centered trees. | |
by Mario AR. - 158 downloads - 1 comments Kill Onagers ... with your own Onagers! | |
by gag2000 - 158 downloads - 0 comments complete rewritten, balanced and fixed Super Archers Blood | |
by Chrazini - 157 downloads - 1 comments The official map pack for the Memb Supporters Masters 3 tournament. | |
by Azurzar - 152 downloads - 0 comments Replace the image and sound of the wolves with a crocodile from the African Kingdoms campaings. | |
by LAT_SpAwN - 152 downloads - 2 comments Dark Water | |
by Cicero - 151 downloads - 0 comments English text / German audioA series of interactive tutorials for learning + practising build orders. Includes 10 scenarios. | |
by nhoobish - 151 downloads - 2 comments Adjusted Minimap colour for various wildlife, such as Sheep, Deer, Boars, Fish, Wolves, Forage Bushes. | |
by Dedpool - 150 downloads - 1 comments Remastered Terrains with advanced grid and no snow | |
by Mr cobayo - 148 downloads - 0 comments This is a map for the mod Jurassic 2 Este es un mapa para el mod de Jurrasic 2 | |
by Shio11235, GorLeon - 147 downloads - 6 comments Alternative to Daut Castle mod. | |
by Azurzar - 140 downloads - 10 comments Replace the image and sound of the wolves with a bengal tiger from the Rise of the Rajas campaings. | |
by Gs.jellymann, Gallas, Pinkfloydd8, Pinkfloydd, Pink__floyd, rarename - 139 downloads - 1 comments age of cube makes your resources look like lego.This is another alternative version, which changes the chopped trees to brown colour | |
by Silent Ape - 135 downloads - 2 comments Adds blood to all civ-specific standard units (WololoKingdoms) | |
by Matteo41 - 132 downloads - 1 comments Definite Edition Cliffs | |
by felistime, katsuie, pancrol@voobly - 130 downloads - 2 comments This is a mod for 1.6 Game Data that makes the graphical user interface of every civ show its tech tree using userpatch command bar position.This version is combined with ez-counting mod. | |
by GiGaAOE2 - 129 downloads - 0 comments DE rings=cuts from theme on start of the game | |
by gag2000 - 129 downloads - 0 comments few villagers, thick forest and wild animals | |
by Sogomn - 126 downloads - 0 comments It's a no-brainer. | |
by Luk45_AoC_ - 121 downloads - 5 comments En este map pack veremos mapas inspirados en el pais Chile como: Atacama, Bio Bio, Isla de Pascua, Litoral | |
by Chrazini - 121 downloads - 0 comments | |
by SouFire - 120 downloads - 2 comments Under Attack Sound Mod. Less annoying sound for some people. | |
by Kilgore Trout - 120 downloads - 2 comments Map pool update, in effect for Round 4 of Anvil League Season 2:+ Rain Forest Basin (replacing Bloody Knoll) + Sinharaja + Rift Island + Cenotes + NSS Nomad - Nomad (SY2017 version) - Prairie - Bloody Knoll - Tidepool Also includes fixed versions of maps by Chrazini - African Waters - El Dorado - Migration - Gold Rush - Regicide Fortress - Arena - Rainforest Basin (update) | |
by el conquistador 4k (__as_chris_arg) - 120 downloads - 0 comments new interface for the technological tree, much better than the original.This mod is from my creation. | |
by Pancrol - 119 downloads - 6 comments Maps with 10 times more resources | |
by felistime - 119 downloads - 16 comments This is a mod for 1.6 Game Data that makes the graphical user interface of every civ show its tech tree if you use a 1920 x 1080 resolution and the command bar position stretched. | |
by Nko Dragaš - 116 downloads - 9 comments this mod will change to the Boca Juniors Bus instead of the cobra car | |
by Chrazini - 115 downloads - 0 comments All maps used for NerdRageQuit's Nomad Summer Showdown. | |
by Riven - 114 downloads - 3 comments Replaces the default terrains to more subtle, eye candy ones. | |
by MohamedSaber - 113 downloads - 0 comments Make it easier to see when you are scouting or scrolling the map. | |
by Gallas - 112 downloads - 0 comments More than 1 hour background music for the BattleShip Blood mod. This visual mod can be usable for other editors too. | |
by Gallas - 111 downloads - 1 comments This Visual mod turning off the army create sound file. | |
by Voobly Team - 110 downloads - 0 comments Now the Custom Scenarios used for AoFE can be downloaded and installed through the Voobly mod system. | |
by [ViCiouS]Marauder - 107 downloads - 0 comments This mod replaces the original laughing taunt (11) with Dave laughing! | |
by SaladEsc - 107 downloads - 0 comments Replaces the snowy pine forest trees with standard pine forest trees. | |
by Pancrol - 106 downloads - 0 comments Maps with Onager Cut disabled | |
by Quincunx - 105 downloads - 2 comments Miss the old 1.0 turtle ships (before 1.0c)? This mod gives your turtle ships the old look they used to have. | |
by Riven - 105 downloads - 1 comments Recolors the default cliffs for better visuals. | |
by SaladEsc, ... - 103 downloads - 0 comments Reducidos el volumen de los Taunts del juego al 50%. Voces en Español (Spanish). | |
by Chrazini - 101 downloads - 0 comments The official version of the Arena map used for DemEyesRed Arena Cup running from the 30th of March to the 31st. | |
by Nko Dragaš - 99 downloads - 2 comments Replace flags with ones with Chilean Masters Logo | |
by Pyroptere - 99 downloads - 4 comments King of the hill scenario in a round by round fashion. | |
by Zix - 99 downloads - 0 comments Warcraft II sound effects in AoC! | |
by Matteo41 - 97 downloads - 1 comments Definitive Edition Fish Trap | |
by cebdos - 94 downloads - 0 comments Full Random including newly played maps in tournaments (NAC2, HC2, MSC, etc.). | |
by Matteo41 - 93 downloads - 2 comments Este mod es igual a al DE icons solo que agrega algunos iconos faltantes | |
by KoBHV, GorLeon - 93 downloads - 5 comments Spacious town center for a perfect Dark Age! | |
by Gallas - 92 downloads - 0 comments Replaces wolves, jaguars and Wonders to Hippo! Made for the [You must login to view link] | |
by Lanchi - 90 downloads - 0 comments Maps used in 11th PTT Cup | |
by MohamedSaber - 89 downloads - 1 comments Boars, Elephants and Rhinos with Burger Pointer.Make it easy to notice them. | |
by Justin - 88 downloads - 0 comments Original Taunts from AoK Alpha (Pre-Release)! | |
by Justin - 87 downloads - 0 comments This feature will change the red dots for player 2 on the mini-map to a darker shade. On certain monitors, and LCD monitors in particular, the default shade of red may be difficult to see when positioned next to orange or purple. | |
by Anne HK - 87 downloads - 1 comments Adding a triangle pointer to the top of a monk. It is easy for players to identify the location of monks. | |
by GodRage - 82 downloads - 1 comments Age of Empire & Rise of Rome original musics. | |
by Justin - 80 downloads - 0 comments With this, you can change the purple dots for player 6 on the mini-map to a darker shade. As with red, it may be difficult to distinguish between purple, red, and orange on certain monitors with the default shade. | |
by Guaymallen - 79 downloads - 1 comments Simplistic Terrain Colors | |
by Wappla - 76 downloads - 0 comments Arabia map combining best features of various tournament arabia maps. | |
by HenkDeSuperNerd - 75 downloads - 0 comments 6 maps submitted by HenkDeSuperNerd for the ECL map-creation-contest + MapPack! | |
by Jineapple - 75 downloads - 0 comments The spanish version of this mod to replace tooltip and tech tree descriptions with more accurate and detailed information - Attack bonuses, speed, attack rate, etc. | |
by Pancrol - 74 downloads - 2 comments Additional mod for v1.6 Game Data. Shows range of Folwarks | |
by WonderHD - 70 downloads - 0 comments Just your favorite Arena map but now with 1 Sheep close to the town center just like in the Kotd2. This map has two changes thus, second being Deer being swapped by Zebra. Hope you enjoy this map!Bonus: Rug near TC for visuals. Created by: [TiTaNiC] Wonder Special credits to those who came up with the idea of Kotd2 and sheep under TC. | |
by Luk45_AoC_ - 69 downloads - 0 comments Buenas amigos del eish, este mod es para corregir el problema que muchos tienen con el wololokingdoms, en ves de hielo aparece arena. | |
by Aoe2 DE - 68 downloads - 0 comments | |
by Aoe2 - 68 downloads - 1 comments Standard terrain | |
by Chrazini - 68 downloads - 0 comments All my special maps in the "Line Formation" category - all combined into one map pack. | |
by everaoc - 67 downloads - 1 comments Mongols will use yurts instead of houses. | |
by Padpai and Jesse - 66 downloads - 0 comments Hello, dear users of voobly!You might have seen the taunt pack in Steam Workshop, but finally we shall upload it to Voobly! The taunt pack has been honored by Spirit of the Law in one of his video, as well as he allowed us to make it. I hope you enjoy it! | |
by Cicero - 65 downloads - 1 comments English text / Polish audioA series of interactive tutorials for learning + practising build orders. Includes 10 scenarios. | |
by AL0NS0 - 60 downloads - 8 comments Cambia algunos colores de los jugador 3, 7 y 8. (Verde, Gris y Naranja). Enseña a cambiar el color. | |
by Aoe2 DE - 60 downloads - 0 comments | |
by Jineapple - 59 downloads - 0 comments The italian version of this mod to replace tooltip and tech tree descriptions with more accurate and detailed information - Attack bonuses, speed, attack rate, etc. | |
by RBTV-Comunity member: Naich95 - 59 downloads - 0 comments Adds an Rocketbeans to your waypoints and flags. | |
by Professor4K - 59 downloads - 5 comments from 44 to 107 | |
by Begjan - 56 downloads - 1 comments My current AoC and WK hotkeys with units micro buttons... | |
by Chrazini - 56 downloads - 1 comments | |
by risegarro - 54 downloads - 1 comments Adds icons on top of Ratha to depict their mode (melee or ranged) to make it easier to find and select them when they are bunched up (see second comparison pic).![]() | |
by Chrazini - 54 downloads - 0 comments | |
by Julian pelon Gru - 52 downloads - 4 comments Taunts para el equipo Tk perros!Si vas a hacer algo hacelo bien! | |
by 6onSheep - 51 downloads - 0 comments This mod change Orange color in Brown, because sometimes we can't differentiate this two colors. | |
by AYan1123 - 51 downloads - 3 comments This mod shorten the height of docks | |
by Aoe2 DE - 50 downloads - 0 comments | |
by RBTV-Comunity member: Naich95 - 50 downloads - 0 comments Changes your boring Forage Bushes into Rocketbeans Bushes. | |
by Aoe2 DE - 49 downloads - 0 comments | |
by MeDzair - 46 downloads - 3 comments | |
by Guaymallen2276 - 46 downloads - 1 comments Simplistic Terrain Colors | |
by Chrazini - 46 downloads - 0 comments | |
by HafniumOxide, GorLeon - 45 downloads - 3 comments Say good bye to holes but not to beauty (kinda)! | |
by Chrazini - 44 downloads - 0 comments The official map for the Clown Cup 2 hosted by JonSlow. | |
by Aoe2 DE - 44 downloads - 0 comments | |
by Aoe2 DE - 43 downloads - 0 comments | |
by Chrazini - 43 downloads - 0 comments The official version of the Arena map used for Voobly Arena Seasonal. | |
by Aoe2 DE - 42 downloads - 0 comments | |
by Aoe2 DE - 42 downloads - 0 comments | |
by Aoe2 DE - 42 downloads - 0 comments | |
by hoomans - 41 downloads - 2 comments only for 1.6 Community Patch, WK and WK-DE | |
by MohamedSaber - 40 downloads - 9 comments DE Terrains, Farms, Roads.With the right color palette. | |
by Aoe2 DE - 40 downloads - 0 comments | |
by EZ_COMPANY - 40 downloads - 1 comments The maps for EZ's tournament | |
by HenkDeSuperNerd - 40 downloads - 2 comments Adjusted sound volume to improve spectator experience. | |
by Aoe2 DE - 39 downloads - 0 comments | |
by Aoe2 DE - 39 downloads - 0 comments | |
by Chrazini - 39 downloads - 0 comments | |
by MohamedSaber - 37 downloads - 2 comments DE Terrains, Farms, Roads.With the right color palette. With Grids with 20% Opacity. | |
by Chrazini - 37 downloads - 0 comments | |
by Ufuk Bakan - 36 downloads - 0 comments Water graphics mod | |
by Nko Dragaš - 34 downloads - 4 comments Mayan heads replaced by moais | |
by HappyLeaves - 33 downloads - 4 comments Automatically upload watched recorded games to | |
by BJ team - 31 downloads - 0 comments nice laugh taunt from BJ | |
by RBTV-Comunity member: LFish - 30 downloads - 1 comments Turns your Arrows and Bullets into Rocketbeans. | |
by Zetnus - 29 downloads - 1 comments Snow Man At Arms | |
by Pancrol - 28 downloads - 0 comments Maps where every technology can be researched three times | |
by 4 scripters - 23 downloads - 0 comments For AOC for now | |
by RBTV-Comunity member: Naich95 - 23 downloads - 0 comments Converts your relics into holy westcoats. | |
by Earnur - 23 downloads - 0 comments | |
by ptee - 23 downloads - 0 comments Disabled walls, castle, TC and imperial age upgradeMeant for huns 1v1 gameplay. | |
by Asen_ - 22 downloads - 0 comments Sounds for Spider, Raptor and T-Rex. | |
by SaladEsc - 21 downloads - 1 comments Mule carts with only muleUHD not supported Fits better the hitbox | |
by MeDzair - 21 downloads - 0 comments Random script map For dark-feudle wars without towers | |
by AddyCod - 19 downloads - 0 comments Have your wanted to play Arabia but with a snowy terrain? Well you can do it now. Snowy Arabia is like Green Arabia but in winter and it's covered with snow. | |
by AL0NS0 - 18 downloads - 4 comments Te permite escuchar canciones mientras juegas (Enseña a colocar tu música favorita) | |
by Voobly Team - 17 downloads - 0 comments The Casual Lobby Map Pack can be downloaded and installed through the Voobly Mod System. You will automatically receive updates once they are released and can enjoy the benefits of an easy installation. Individual map links are also listed below. | |
by pablo@voobly - 17 downloads - 0 comments | |
by pablo@voobly - 16 downloads - 0 comments | |
by Justin/Barry - 16 downloads - 0 comments This is a pack of maps compiled under the name '=V= CS Clans Random'When you select '=V= CS Clans Random', it will randomly select one of the maps in the pack. | |
by RBTV-Comunity member: Naich95 - 15 downloads - 1 comments Changes all your Woldwonders into giant Rocketbeans. | |
by MohamedSaber - 14 downloads - 0 comments DE Terrains, Farms, Roads.With the right color palette. With Advanced Grids. | |
by Kurjak - 12 downloads - 3 comments Original AoE2 berries. | |
by yolomouse - 12 downloads - 1 comments Change your standart cursor to yolo mouse cursor. | |
by Kurjak - 9 downloads - 0 comments Original AoE2 relic. | |
by Kurjak - 9 downloads - 0 comments Original AoE2 spawn flag. | |
by pablo@voobly - 7 downloads - 0 comments Change text grid to a light text grid. Avoid xBRZ shader bug. | |
by Lions Clan - 7 downloads - 4 comments This is a backport of the recently popularized DE map 'Rage Arena'. Shallow ponds spawn directly underneath town centers | |
by felistime, katsuie, pancrol@voobly - 7 downloads - 1 comments This is a mod for 1.6 Game Data that makes the graphical user interface of every civ show its tech tree using userpatch command bar position.This version is combined with ez-counting mod. | |
by Ufuk Bakan - 6 downloads - 0 comments | |
by Kurjak - 6 downloads - 0 comments Original AoE2 mines. | |
by Lions Clan - 6 downloads - 1 comments This hybrid map attempts to combine some of the changes of rage forest with the resource and terrain balance of BF Lord | |
by Sanguivorant - 3 downloads - 1 comments Some new taunts containing some of the best memes ![]() | |
by FunkyFr3sh - 0 downloads - 0 comments cnc-ddraw Zoom |
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