DeHeerser's new record game


Posted 15 March 2013 - 11:50 pm
Dear everyone,
Now that I am using this new website, I suppose I should make use of its features. Here is my first record game. I heard that people were already studying my recorded games. If so, I do not know where they got them because I never uploaded them.

In this recorded game you can see me play a team game and I fend off against a Zeus hoplite rush in Oasis. I was lucky that this rush was a little bit delayed. If I look at my game, I say I am about halfway my original potential.

I guess that during 06.00 and 11.00 I had more occassion to put down barracks and temples than I actually did. I could have used throwing axemen as well. Then again, I planned up on saving the wood for farms and a second tc. In retrospect it was not good to send my troll towards my TC - instead I should have sent it towards the central forest ring, to distract the hoplites and buy me a few more seconds to fortify my towers. I might have saved a tower otherwise. It seems that during the game I was always either lacking the wood to put down barracks and temples, or the food to put hersirs on repeat. But about 12.00 gameplay time all was well and I managed to kickstart my economy and military steamroller. Perhaps I could have made a marginally better use of my second TC.

Also, fortune was on my side considering that purple did well in expanding the upper area and that teal miraculously succeeded in holding the middle against 20 cheiroballista. Even if the overal skill of the adversary might not be super high, a wall of Zeus hops is still a thunderous force of destruction - especially in a low-food map - regardless of who controls it.

In retrospect, I guess I played it smart - I could, instead of the second TC, also have churned out 4 more barracks and hersir. I could have fought off the hoplite rush on his home instead of mine, and with a lucky valkyrie here and there. It would have looked more spectacular and more like a standard Loki rush - more spectacular than hiding behind a tower like an eggy. However, - realistically - had I strayed on that course, the restoration power would have given my opponent the edge, my economy would have hard-knocked - since I would have no food or wood to make mass farms, which had necessitated me to switch to throwing axemen. And we all know that throwing axes get picked off like chanceless flies by tox.
Recorded Game 1.rcx (file size: 94.46 KB)
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Posted 22 July 2013 - 6:21 pm

I'll download and watch though :) Just installed AoM again

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